27 August 2007

"Bad" dreams and other wedding stuff

So lately I have been having dreams about the wedding.

Lots of them.

Very few of them good. They are all funny, but not "sweet, romantic" type dreams.

For example, Friday night, I dreamed that Mark was late to the wedding because he lost a shoe. Completely lost one. Was standing there in one sock (and yes, it was a white sock) and a dress shoe on his other foot.

Saturday night, it was a very vivid dream. Mark texted me before the wedding and said "Decided not to wear my old suit. Got something new. You'll be surprised".

I walk down the stairs and he is in brown pants and a very vivid green shirt. With a khaki tie. He was straight out of the 80's. You remember, the short sleeved, button down shirts with a pocket on each side of the chest? And the thin, skinny tie? Yep. He was a stud.

So yesterday, I told him about my dreams. I told him that I wish he could be more involved in what little is left to do. So he asked what was left. I told him I was ordering our personalized, colorized M&M's and we needed to buy the containers for them.

Off to Target we went. I knew what I wanted. I wanted the cute, tiny, ivory colored boxes. I grabbed 4 packages and found him staring at packages of ivory tulle bags with ivory ribbons. Very cute, but not what I really wanted.

He insisted they looked more classy and formal and said "I really like these".

So, in hopes of stopping the green shirt dreams, we bought the bags. Cause he really liked them.

And if he shows up in a bright green shirt with a khaki colored tie, I will smash his toe with my fancy shoes.


Heather said...

GOod for you for letting Mark choose the baggies. He'll feel more involved since he chose something and maybe he'll be eager to help on more things.
He must realize that you will be dressing him for the rest of his life, so smash away if he dares to dress like that. :o)

Anonymous said...

He's trying. That's cute.

Don't stress...remember, everyone is gonna throw out the m&m bags once they eat them..Don't go crazy!!!

I am getting those m&m's for Fa's birthday!!! love 'em.

For the Love... said...

Thanks for the heads up about the M&Ms-what a cool idea!!!

Yeah, after we got married I did a serious "cull" on Rob's closet. He actually had a double breasted teal raw silk suit...hurk...

Gina said...

Compromise is the name of the game. But somehow, even after being married for almost six years, it never gets easier.

Those M&M's rock, I've seen them.

Anonymous said...

The reason men 'do it wrong' (like getting the wrong containers) is so that you'll stop asking them to please help out. It only took me 12 years to learn this.